Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Music Inspired by Art

Just a heads up to all of our artists out there. Here is a great chance to exhibit your art. Renee Gilliland is looking for works to be displayed for the first concert of the UT Symphony Orchestra on October 1, 2007. Read more details from her e-mail after the jump and drop her a line if you're interested!

WANTED: Artists to display works in Bates Recital Hall

For: The first concert of the UT Symphony Orchestra

When: Oct. 1, 7:30-10:30pm

My name is Renee Gilliland, I am a senior music studies major with the Fine Arts
Council. I play viola in the UT Symphony Orchestra conducted by Maestro
Zimmerman, and our first concert is scheduled for Oct. 1, at 8pm in Bates
Recital Hall. We will be performing a work by John Corigliano (composer of the
Red Violin), a Shostakovich String Symphony, and Mussorgsky's Pictures at an

Mussorgsky wrote this piece from the inspiration of a posthuous showing of his
friend Viktor Hartmann's drawings, paintings, and designs. He also wrote music
to represent a viewer walking from work to work. Because this piece represents
MUSIC INSPIRED BY ART, we would LOVE to have artists display works before the
concert, at intermission and a little after the concert.

The art may be paintings, sculpture or anything that can be feasibly shown. A
brief description of the work should be displayed along with the artist's name.
We hope that while people are mingling and purchasing tickets, they will be able
to enjoy quality art before the concert and return to look at intermission.

Maestro Zimmerman and the UT Fine Arts are very excited about this. We would be
very grateful for your participation.

Any interested artists should contact me and let me know what kind of work, the
size, and a brief description.

If you have any questions please e-mail me at

Renee Gilliland

For more information on Pictures at an Exhibition and Viktor Hartmann's work you
can visit here.

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