Hey guys, a new week and more events to look out for!
Tuesday, September 25
Visiting Artist Program: Kristin Morgin - The lecture is in ART 1.102 at 5 PM. Come to learn more about sculptor Kristin Morgin!
Thursday, September 27
Jensen Series Jazz Faculty - Enjoy jazz music from 8-10 PM.
Scott McCloud Lecture - Come listen to comic book author Scott McCloud at the Joynes Reading Room in Carothers Dormitory at 7 PM. He'll be talking about comic books and technology.
Rapid Fire Slide Show - This slide show goes along with the art Faculty Salon Show at the CRL from 7-9 PM. The event hosts participating artists' bodies of works in 4 minutes or less.
Sunday, September 30
FAC's Fun Day Out! - It's Fine Arts Council's first social event to let members hang out with each other. We'll be going to the Austin Museum of Art and then Pease Park. Be sure to contact Anooshey, our social chair, for more information; her e-mail is anooshey@mail.utexas.edu.
Monday, October 1
UT Symphony Orchestra - Come to the first concert of the year at the Bates Recital Hall from 8-10 PM.
Okay guys, there it is! Have a wonderful week.
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