Fine Arts Council is the official representative student organization for undergraduates at the College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas at Austin.
Friday, September 28, 2007
FAC Fun Day Out - Details!
This Sunday is our Fun Day Out! Hooray, this is our time to relax! There will be no regular meeting. Our Fun Day Out will replace our normal 6 o'clock meeting.
WHAT: Fun Day Out! Fine Arts Council is going to the Austin Museum of Art (AMOA)to see the "Extra-Ordinary: The Everyday Object in American Art" exhibition as a group and afterwards we will go to Peace Park to grill hot dogs (we have tofu).
WHEN: 3:30-6ish Sunday, September 30, 2007.
WHERE: We will meet in front of the DFA library by the street at 3:30pm. The lovely three, Povy, Anooshey, and Katelyn have all agreed to drive us to AMOA and Peace Park. If you would rather drive yourself, then you could meet us at 4 at AMOA. In summary, these are the locations in sequence:
2.Austin Museum of Art
3.Peace Park
WHO: Everyone is invited. Even if you have never been to an official meeting, I encourage you to come and meet some of your fellow collegiates.
I've heard many a fine arts student say that before you know it, you're in your last year and you still haven't met or become friends with a student from another department in the College of Fine Arts. Don't take these years for granted!
Thanks to Anooshey Rahim for organizing what I think will be a wonderful event.
Hope to see you there,
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
T&D Needs Volunteers for UIL Conference!
Want to be a part of something big? This is a great opportunity to help a UT program that gives high schoolers the opportunity to learn about our department and have a great experience! I am coordinating volunteers for the Fall 2007 UIL Super Conference and need people to spend a few hours of their time to make this event happen. University Interscholastic League is a huge deal for Texas high schoolers. Every fall, a conference is held at UT for students from across the state to attend. These students really look forward to the event, which can only happen with the help of volunteers -- YOU!
I will need volunteers to assist with set up and breakdown of workshop classrooms in the Winship building, which includes hanging signs, putting out refreshments, and distributing brochures. I will also need a volunteer in each room as well as hall monitors. These jobs are very easy and I think it would be a nice experience for anyone who partakes in this event. All volunteers can attend the workshops led by graduate students, so it is a great opportunity to learn more about theatre!
The conference takes place at the Winship Drama Building on Saturday, October 13 with two shifts: 7:30 AM-10:30 AM and 10:30 AM-2:00 PM. Please email me directly if you can spare a few hours to a great program and let me know which shift you can do, or if you can be an All-Star and do both.
Please email me with your Name, desired shift, phone number, and email at:
I will be in touch to confirm your assignment closer to the Conference!
Thank You!!
Brian Fahey
MFA Drama and Theater for Youth
Explore the Arts: Free Tickets!
Symphony Orchestra will be performing:
Promenade Overture by John Corigliano
Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky
String Symphony in C Minor, op. 110 by Shostakovich
Tickets are available for Monday, October 1, 8 PM in Bates Recital Hall. If you are interested, please email us at Respond quickly because tickets are limited!
Hope to see you there!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Quick Updates - September 24, 2007
01 | Renee Gilliland is still looking for artists who are willing to display some of their work for the UT Symphony Orchestra's first orchestra. If you're interested, please read this and contact Renee at
02 | The Logo Contest has a definite deadline now - October 20th. Please send in submissions to Prizes are a possibility!
03 | Starting next meeting, FAC's Vice Presidents will have a short meeting with members of their department before the general FAC meeting. These VP meetings will allow you to come to your VP with issues and ideas while allowing your VP to give you information that may be more relevant to you rather than the whole FAC membership. These VP meetings will start at 6, and the FAC meeting will start after that.
Calendar: 9/24-10/01
Tuesday, September 25
Visiting Artist Program: Kristin Morgin - The lecture is in ART 1.102 at 5 PM. Come to learn more about sculptor Kristin Morgin!
Thursday, September 27
Jensen Series Jazz Faculty - Enjoy jazz music from 8-10 PM.
Scott McCloud Lecture - Come listen to comic book author Scott McCloud at the Joynes Reading Room in Carothers Dormitory at 7 PM. He'll be talking about comic books and technology.
Rapid Fire Slide Show - This slide show goes along with the art Faculty Salon Show at the CRL from 7-9 PM. The event hosts participating artists' bodies of works in 4 minutes or less.
Sunday, September 30
FAC's Fun Day Out! - It's Fine Arts Council's first social event to let members hang out with each other. We'll be going to the Austin Museum of Art and then Pease Park. Be sure to contact Anooshey, our social chair, for more information; her e-mail is
Monday, October 1
UT Symphony Orchestra - Come to the first concert of the year at the Bates Recital Hall from 8-10 PM.
Okay guys, there it is! Have a wonderful week.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Fine Arts Council Meeting on Sunday at 6, DFA 4.104
Fine Arts Counzil
Agenda for September 23, 2007
We are now in the thick of fall semester, congratulations…have fun.
• RECAP of Meeting with Rachel Martin, Dean of Student Affairs
VP separate meetings with respective departments
o Music Theatre Program, VPs Music and Theatre
o Minors within the College of Fine Arts
Fine Arts Internship Fair and graduate school workshops hosted by Fine Arts Career Services
o Contact: Ann Perrman McNair
o For the internship fair, FAC could have a similar role this year of meet, greet and direct.
o Sometime before the fair there could be Navigating a Career Fair Workshop with FAC(perhaps
Friday afternoon, October 26)
-Graduate School Workshop feedback, i.e Resume Crash Course
o Regarding Art History, we could do a 'career day' type session in addition to or
part of a grad school day, perhaps in conjunction with UAHA.
• Explore the arts: Symphony Orchestra, We have tickets! Thank you Dr. Glenn Chandler, Chair of the Music School.
o Promenade Overture by John Corigliano
o Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky
o String Symphony in C Minor, op. 110 by Shostakovich
• Submissions for Picture at an Exhibition, Update from Renee Gilliland
-Update from Katelyn about thank you notes
-Update from Sara and Tim about use of survey monkey
• Lecture Series
• Logo contest: update from Melissa
• Information from Andree Bober, Director Public Art Program at UT
- She will be visiting our group on Oct. 7.
• Don’t forget! Fun Day Out, September 30 at AMOA, 4pm and then Pease Park for dinner
Thanks Anooshey
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Music Inspired by Art
Just a heads up to all of our artists out there. Here is a great chance to exhibit your art. Renee Gilliland is looking for works to be displayed for the first concert of the UT Symphony Orchestra on October 1, 2007. Read more details from her e-mail after the jump and drop her a line if you're interested!
WANTED: Artists to display works in Bates Recital Hall
For: The first concert of the UT Symphony Orchestra
When: Oct. 1, 7:30-10:30pm
My name is Renee Gilliland, I am a senior music studies major with the Fine Arts
Council. I play viola in the UT Symphony Orchestra conducted by Maestro
Zimmerman, and our first concert is scheduled for Oct. 1, at 8pm in Bates
Recital Hall. We will be performing a work by John Corigliano (composer of the
Red Violin), a Shostakovich String Symphony, and Mussorgsky's Pictures at an
Mussorgsky wrote this piece from the inspiration of a posthuous showing of his
friend Viktor Hartmann's drawings, paintings, and designs. He also wrote music
to represent a viewer walking from work to work. Because this piece represents
MUSIC INSPIRED BY ART, we would LOVE to have artists display works before the
concert, at intermission and a little after the concert.
The art may be paintings, sculpture or anything that can be feasibly shown. A
brief description of the work should be displayed along with the artist's name.
We hope that while people are mingling and purchasing tickets, they will be able
to enjoy quality art before the concert and return to look at intermission.
Maestro Zimmerman and the UT Fine Arts are very excited about this. We would be
very grateful for your participation.
Any interested artists should contact me and let me know what kind of work, the
size, and a brief description.
If you have any questions please e-mail me at
Renee Gilliland
For more information on Pictures at an Exhibition and Viktor Hartmann's work you
can visit here.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Meet the Officers
border="0" align="left">Sarah Schultz - Fine Arts Council President
Sarah is the President of FAC and is your go-to for just about anything you need to know about the Council. She is an Art History major. Contact her at
Katelyn Horn - Vice President of Music
Katelyn helps students in the School of Music get their voices and ideas out there. Katelyn is a Music Performance and Theory major. Contact her at
Sara Povlish - Vice President of Theatre & Dance
Sara primarily deals with students in Theatre & Dance to get their issues resolved. Sara is a Communications Studies and T&D major. Contact her at
Tim Creswick - Vice President of Art & Art History
Tim works with students in Art & Art History to solve their problems. He also serves as our Senate rep. Tim is a Studio Art major. Contact him at
Americo Lara - Student Government Representative
Americo is our Student Government representative and helps keep us updated with SG events and happenings. He is a Music Studies major. Contact him at
Melissa Wyatt - Financial Director
Melissa, a Music major, is in charge of the Fine Arts Council's budget and spending, whether it be for events or to help other student organizations. Contact her about money issues at
Shuai Chen - Administrative Assistant
Shuai, a Music major, keeps events on the calendars up to date and records minutes during meetings. If you need information about either, contact him at
Anooshey Rahim - Social Chair
Anooshey comes up with and organizes social events for the Fine Arts Council's members. She is an Art History major. Contact Anooshey with ideas at
Nicholas Nguyen - Newsletter Editor
Nick manages this blog with news items and updates to keep Fine Arts Council members informed. He is a Design major. Contact Nick with things you'd like to see on the blog at
FAC Needs a Logo!
Everyone within the College of Fine Arts is invited to submit their design that represents the Fine Arts Council - we should have the best and creative logo out there! There are still details to be sorted out around this contest, but start coming up with great ideas.
Please e-mail ideas/submissions to our Financial Director, Melissa Wyatt at Oh, and coming to meetings on Sundays at 6 PM in DFA 4.104 is a great way to sell your design to us, too. ;)
Calendar: 9/16-9/22
Monday to Friday, September 17-21 - Natural Sciences Week - Check out what our friends over in Natural Sciences are up to. Visit their calendar for some more information on activities and events!
Wednesday, September 19 - Academic Resources Fair - The fair is at Gregory Gym from 4-5 PM. Learn more about the Bridging Disciplines programs there; the program offers Fine Arts students a greater possibility of minoring /double majoring in other areas.
Friday to Sunday, September 21-23 - The Magic Flute - Watch the show between 8-10 PM on Friday & Saturday, and on Sunday, watch between 7-10 PM.
Have a great week and be sure to check back as more events may be added!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Agenda for FAC Meeting Sunday, September 16, 6pm at DFA 4.104
Fine Arts Council
Agenda for September 16, 2007
I. External News
A. SG Update from Americo Lara, Student Government Representative
B. Senate update from Timothy Creswick, Senate Representative
FAC printer and refrigerator---THANK YOU SENATE and Joshua Ogden-Davis
There are many opportunities to get involved with Senate! i.e. Study Abroad
Committee (not only for students who have
studied abroad), Texas 4000, Analecta submissions ($200 reward) Undergraduate
Research Journal, etc.
II. Ongoing Projects:
A. Progress on Website: Nick Nguyen, Newsletter Editor
B. Progress with Financial Allocation Requests: Melissa Wyatt, Financial Director
C. FAC Social set for September 30, 2005, 5pm at Botanical Gardens/AMOA, Anooshey Rahim, Social Chair
III. Internal
A. Officer position descriptions finalized.
B. Explore the Arts: Suggestions for performances
1. Monday, October 1 Symphony Orchestra 8pm-10pm
2. Thursday, October 25, Rapid Fire Slide Show at CRL 7-10pm
3. Saturday, November 17, Collaboration from Conception opens at CRL
4. Theatre and Dance Events: TBA
FYI: All three events must be set early in order to procure tickets, speaker and advertise. All VPs please keep me posted on attractions in respective department. Members, send me suggestions for events.
C. Welcome Lindsey Bailey, UT Mud Daubers representative. “The Mud Daubers is a social organization promoting personal and professional development in the field of ceramics, spanning all levels of clay knowledge. We strive to continually promote clay.”
D. VPs will meet with Rachel Martin, Dean of Student Affairs on Wednesday, September 19 to discuss student issues.
Please send me your questions and concerns to your Vice President or me before Wednesday.
E. Capital Campaign
F. Feedback form Informational Session
Ways to improve for next year?
Monday, September 10, 2007
FAC Informational Meeting a Success!
Above, FAC President Sarah Schultz opens the meeting up for new and returning members. She spoke about FAC's role for the students of the CoFA, talking about how the council can help facilitate student programs and assist them with problems they may encounter during their time here.
Each VP also reflected on why they joined FAC. Reasons included a strong bond and friendship between members, the ability to participate in leadership roles, and the ability to have their voices and opinions heard by Deans and other important figures in education.
At the end, students were welcome to socialize with officers and older members while enjoying free pizza and drink. More pictures to come! And remember, weekly meetings are Sundays at 6PM in DFA 4.104 (upstairs in the Fine Arts Library).
Thursday, September 6, 2007
FAC Informational Meeting this Sunday, Sept. 9, 6pm at WIN 1.108
Fine Arts Council is hosting its first Informational Party/Meeting of the semester on Sunday, September 9, 6pm in WIN 1.108! Come and learn about who we are and what we do to represent undergraduate students (that's you) over a tasty slice of pizza and soda. yum.
Why would you want join Fine Arts Council? There are many incentives!
-Student camaraderie
-interdisciplinary learning
-leadership experience
-Fine Arts Week (a program you'll hear about if you come to our informational meeting)
-A voice for Fine Arts Students on academic affairs matters such as +/- grading proposal, top ten percent rule, undergraduate representation on Dean Search Committee and Texas Exes Teaching Awards Selection Committee
-Collaboration with other arts organizations and Career Services
Thank you and hope to see you this Sunday. :)
Sarah Schultz
P.S. If there is a panel, forum, discussion, or exhibition that you want to put on, or something that you want to see happen at UT, tell us. We would love to help you make it happen.
Fine Arts Council, President
undergraduate senior, Art History