Tuesday, October 30, 2012

FAC Halloween Party, October 30th

Fine Arts Council,

Hope you all are having a wonderful Halloween. As a reminder, I'd like to inform you that tonight's meeting will be a Halloween bowling party. We will meet at the regular time 6:00 p.m. at the Underground in the Union. There will be pizza and cookies (Tiff's), and please feel free to wear your costume!

Hope to see you there!

bowling party

Council Updates

Hello all!

Last week the Resume Reviews and Fine Arts Internship & Networking Fair we held with Fine Arts Career Services were a huge success! The Fair held the HIGHEST attendance rate for fine arts students ever, congrats! If you were unable to attend I highly encourage you participate in the next fair held in the spring.

Also, we were able to give funding through our appropriations application to a several fabulous organizations in the College of Fine Arts.

Senate Update, on Thursday's General Meeting October 18th, two pieces of legislation were passed. The first, S.R. 1203 In Support of a New Honor Code for The University of Texas at Austin. The new honor code reads "As a student of The University of Texas at Austin, I shall abide by the core values of the university and uphold academic integrity." While significantly cutting down from the former 41 word honor code, it was designed to hold students accountable while maintaining a positive tone towards the students. The second, S.R. 1205 - In Support of a Standardized Degree Plan Formats will work to view all degree plans in the different colleges to form a standardized plan on the university level.

If you have interest in attending a Senate General Meeting, they are held every other week, the next is this Thursday, November 1st at 7 p.m. in SAC 2.302, the Legislative Assembly room.

We are still accepting submissions for the T-shirt Contest until Monday, November 12th at 5 p.m. Submit your design for new council t-shirts to utfineartscouncil@gmail.com.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Upcoming deadlines

Fine Arts Council has funding available to student organizations within the College of Fine Arts. The first deadline to apply for funding is Monday, October 22nd. Please submit a letter to utfineartscouncil@gmail.com stating your request, how funding will be dispersed, and how this will benefit the students in our college. A representative from your organization should be available to present your pitch at the officer's meeting Tuesday, October 23rd at 6 p.m.

Also, we are hosting a T-shirt Design contest for the new look of the FAC shirts. The winner will not only have their design featured on our new shirts but receive $15 toward the UT Co-op as well as. The deadline is Monday, October 29th, and again submissions are to be sent to utfineartscouncil@gmail.com.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fine Arts Council Meetings 2012-2013

Thanks to all who came out yesterday to the meeting! We are very excited about the coming year in Fine Arts Council.

Our General Meetings will be every other week on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. in the FAB Gallery of the DFA. On the weeks in between we will hold officer meetings.

General meetings: Oct. 2, 16, 30, Nov. 13, 27

Officer meetings: Oct. 9, 23, Nov. 6, 20, Dec. 4

If you are interested in available officer positions for the 2012-2013 school year you are encouraged to attend our next officer's meeting on Tuesday October 9th.

For any questions please contact us through utfineartscouncil@gmail.com