This opportunity is especially exciting for Studio Art Undergrads and Grads, though you don't have to be Studio Art majors to submit artwork!
Analecta, UT's student-run literary and art anthology has asked Fine Arts Council and Undergrad Art History Assoc. to help them select artwork for their upcoming issue. Here's where you come in.
If you are interested in submitting your work for selection, please put them in high quality, digital format and burn them to a CD. Then, stop by Shane Sullivan's office (ART 3.340) and drop it off! It's really that easy. The deadline is December 3, 2007. Selected artists will be notified soon after.
If you are interested in helping the selection committee out, just contact either Nicholas Nguyen ( or Sarah Schultz ( and let us know! Be aware that if you are a part of the selection committee, you cannot submit work for selection.
To learn more about Analecta just visit their website at
Fine Arts Council is the official representative student organization for undergraduates at the College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas at Austin.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Calendar: 11/18-11/20
It's almost Thanksgiving! And because of that, not a lot is happening next week, so this will be the last post for a little while. Remember, tomorrow is Longhorn School Bus, and it is still not too late to help out; it's for the children! Just contact Sarah ( if you're interested because we especially need people for 12 PM to 1 PM.
Sunday, November 18
FAC Thanksgiving Potluck - At Sunday's meeting will be a potluck dinner for Fine Arts Council members! We will eat while we have our meeting at the usual time and at the usual place; 6 PM in DFA 4.104. If you plan to attend, e-mail Anooshey ( and let her know what you can bring!
UT Horn Choir - The recital will feature 9 songs, including "O Danny Boy" and "Trios." The event is also free admission, so don't miss this chance! It will start at 4 PM in the Bates Recital Hall. There will also be a live webcast.
Monday, November 19
Jazz Combos, Piano Recital, & Voice Recital - Even though Thanksgiving nears, the school of music still offers plenty of opportunities for you to listen to music. Find out more about the listed events here, here, and here.
Tuesday, November 20
University Orchestra - The University Orchestra performs on Tuesday night featuring pieces like "Fugue in G Minor, BWV 578," "L’oiseau de feu," and "Concertino for Flute in D Major, op. 107." Tickets are $5 for students! It starts at 8 PM in the Bates Recital Hall.
And that's it. Happy a happy Thanksgiving everyone; we definitely have a lot to be thankful about. After all, there's only a few weeks of school left afterwards! ;)
Monday, November 12, 2007
Calendar: 11/14-11/17
Hi FAC members! As usual, here is the weekly calendar. Stay tuned over the next couple of days for announcements about contests and submissions! And don't forget that the Theater Department will be showing Ashes, Ashes and Elephant's Graveyard all week; click here for more information.
Wednesday, November 14
South American Music Ensemble - Come experience music from the central Andes and Brazil and enjoy the different sounds and styles of the instruments. Admission is free, and there is also a webcast. Be there by 8 PM in MRH 2.608.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture: Dr. David Stuart - "Professor David Stuart will be giving a talk titled Finding the Maya 'Site Q': A Decade of Discovery and Decipherment at La Corona as part of the Archaeological Institute of America Fall Lecture Series." He will speak at 8 PM in ART 1.110.
Creating Sustainability: Lecture by Randy Jewart - UAHA presents Randy Jewart, founder of Austin Green Art. He will speak at 5 PM in DFA 2.204. There's going to be free food and drink as well as a fun art activity.
Thursday, November 15
Middle Eastern Ensemble - "With guest soloist Neil Blumofe, Hazzan; and ensemble soloists Assem Nasr, voice; Amin Jafarian, voice; Ali Fuat Sengül, voice; Setareh Nematollahi, tar; Sina Najmaei, tanbur; and Ryan McCormack, alto saxophone. Hebrew and Ladino songs performed by Prof. Esther Raizen’s Modern Hebrew language students." Be there by 8 PM in Jessen Auditorium. Free Admission!
Design Open House - "This event is geared for current UT Austin students who are interested in applying to the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design Program. Facutly and current students in the program will present work and discuss the unique nature of the program." The open house begins at 5:45 PM in ART 1.110. Right after the open house, at 7 PM, the Design division will also show a film, The House of Yes, in the DFA.
Friday, November 16
Longhorn School Bus - Fine Arts Council will be helping out with Longhorn School Bus in the ART building between 10 AM to 1 PM. This event is aimed towards elementary school children, teaching them to appreciate the arts and to explore their interests in the fine arts. If you would like to help out, please contact FAC President Sarah Schultz at
Caribbean and Mariachi Ensembles - Come listen to music from Spanish speaking areas in the Caribbean and Mexico! The program is free admission, and there is a live webcast here. To experience it live, show up at 8 PM in the Recording Studio, MRH 2.608.
Saturday, November 17
East Austin Studio Tour 2007 - E.A.S.T. is an event that starts at 10 AM until 5 PM and will also occur again on Sunday at the same times. This opportunity allows the public to visit artists' studios to learn more about art and to purchase works they enjoy. There will be over 100 studios open to visit. For more information about E.A.S.T. and studio locations, visit the website.
Festival of Short Plays - "The senior BFA in Theatre Studies students produce a 'Directing the Young Performer' Festival of Short Plays. Directors Dana Thompson, Stacey Volland, Jenna Knapik, Eric Vera and Melody Cooper each direct a 10-15 minute short play. Admission is free! Come out to support our senior students." The event starts at 4 PM in the Laboratory Theater Building.
Collaboration from Conception Opening Reception - "Collaboration from Conception is a look at the process of individual artists combining efforts to create art with a collective idea or common interest in mind. Each of the three dynamic artist groups have a unique history and methodology that dictates the way they realize and then create art." The event starts at 6 PM in the Creative Research Laboratory.
There are tons of music recitals going on that I didn't get a chance to post, so please check out the Music School's Calendar for a more definitive look at the events. Just switch to "Week View" and you'll see them all. Have a great week, ya'll!
Wednesday, November 14
South American Music Ensemble - Come experience music from the central Andes and Brazil and enjoy the different sounds and styles of the instruments. Admission is free, and there is also a webcast. Be there by 8 PM in MRH 2.608.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture: Dr. David Stuart - "Professor David Stuart will be giving a talk titled Finding the Maya 'Site Q': A Decade of Discovery and Decipherment at La Corona as part of the Archaeological Institute of America Fall Lecture Series." He will speak at 8 PM in ART 1.110.
Creating Sustainability: Lecture by Randy Jewart - UAHA presents Randy Jewart, founder of Austin Green Art. He will speak at 5 PM in DFA 2.204. There's going to be free food and drink as well as a fun art activity.
Thursday, November 15
Middle Eastern Ensemble - "With guest soloist Neil Blumofe, Hazzan; and ensemble soloists Assem Nasr, voice; Amin Jafarian, voice; Ali Fuat Sengül, voice; Setareh Nematollahi, tar; Sina Najmaei, tanbur; and Ryan McCormack, alto saxophone. Hebrew and Ladino songs performed by Prof. Esther Raizen’s Modern Hebrew language students." Be there by 8 PM in Jessen Auditorium. Free Admission!
Design Open House - "This event is geared for current UT Austin students who are interested in applying to the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design Program. Facutly and current students in the program will present work and discuss the unique nature of the program." The open house begins at 5:45 PM in ART 1.110. Right after the open house, at 7 PM, the Design division will also show a film, The House of Yes, in the DFA.
Friday, November 16
Longhorn School Bus - Fine Arts Council will be helping out with Longhorn School Bus in the ART building between 10 AM to 1 PM. This event is aimed towards elementary school children, teaching them to appreciate the arts and to explore their interests in the fine arts. If you would like to help out, please contact FAC President Sarah Schultz at
Caribbean and Mariachi Ensembles - Come listen to music from Spanish speaking areas in the Caribbean and Mexico! The program is free admission, and there is a live webcast here. To experience it live, show up at 8 PM in the Recording Studio, MRH 2.608.
Saturday, November 17
East Austin Studio Tour 2007 - E.A.S.T. is an event that starts at 10 AM until 5 PM and will also occur again on Sunday at the same times. This opportunity allows the public to visit artists' studios to learn more about art and to purchase works they enjoy. There will be over 100 studios open to visit. For more information about E.A.S.T. and studio locations, visit the website.
Festival of Short Plays - "The senior BFA in Theatre Studies students produce a 'Directing the Young Performer' Festival of Short Plays. Directors Dana Thompson, Stacey Volland, Jenna Knapik, Eric Vera and Melody Cooper each direct a 10-15 minute short play. Admission is free! Come out to support our senior students." The event starts at 4 PM in the Laboratory Theater Building.
Collaboration from Conception Opening Reception - "Collaboration from Conception is a look at the process of individual artists combining efforts to create art with a collective idea or common interest in mind. Each of the three dynamic artist groups have a unique history and methodology that dictates the way they realize and then create art." The event starts at 6 PM in the Creative Research Laboratory.
There are tons of music recitals going on that I didn't get a chance to post, so please check out the Music School's Calendar for a more definitive look at the events. Just switch to "Week View" and you'll see them all. Have a great week, ya'll!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Calendar: 11/11-11/14

Hello FAC members! I'm bringing you the events listing for Sunday until the middle of next week. There are a couple of exciting things coming up, especially on Sunday; there is an Explore the Arts Event, and Assoc. Dean Rachel Martin will be at the FAC meeting. Enjoy the free Saturday, and don't forget that Elephant's Graveyard opens tomorrow!
Sunday, November 11
Explore the Arts: Elephant's Graveyard - Fine Arts Council presents another Explore the Arts event, and that means free tickets to see the production of Elephant's Graveyard. We only have a limited amount to give away, so e-mail FAC President, Sarah Schultz for more info at There will be a pre-show talk at 1:30 PM in the WIN 2.112 where you'll pick up your ticket, and the show will start at 2 PM.
Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble - The school of music will feature this ensemble on Sunday night at 8 PM in the Bates Recital Hall. A live webcast is also available, so check out the website. Other recital events are here, here, and here. All events are FREE!
Monday, November 12
Learning Tuscany Summer 2007 Information Session - Are you still interested in studying abroad for the summer? There will be a second informational meeting at 6 PM inside the DFA 2.204. Get information about the program, scholarships, and application procedures. Don't miss the opportunity!
Tuesday, November 13
Harp Ensemble - "Please join the UT Harp Ensemble for a concert of favorite works from around the world, including music from Celtic artists Lorena McKennitt and Enya, Latin American music from Paraguayan harpist Rolando Alfredo Ortiz, and American Classics from Morton Gould, Chicago composer Mark Elliott, and a harp arrangement of Dueling Banjos." Admission is free, and there is also a webcast. Be there by 7:30 PM in MRH 2.608.
The Visiting Artist Program presents Yun-Fei Ji - "The Visiting Artist Program at the Department of Art and Art History Studio Division is pleased to announce Yun-Fei Ji. Ji was raised in China during the Cultural Revolution, fueling his exploration of Chinese contemporary history and issues of modernization." Here his talk and be there at 5:00 PM in ART 1.102.
Wednesday, November 14
Harp Ensemble - Come experience music from the central Andes and Brazil and enjoy the different sounds and styles of the instruments. Admission is free, and there is also a webcast. Be there by 8 PM in MRH 2.608.
Archaeological Institute of America Lecture: Dr. David Stuart - "Professor David Stuart will be giving a talk titled Finding the Maya 'Site Q': A Decade of Discovery and Decipherment at La Corona as part of the Archaeological Institute of America Fall Lecture Series." He will speak at 8 PM in ART 1.110.
Enjoy the weekend, ya'll!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Calendar: 11/06-11/09

It's November and time to fall back! Here is the weekly calendar that goes until Friday; check back here in a couple of days for updates about early next week.
Tuesday, November 06
Dean Search Student Forum - The forum is open to all students. If you've seen any of the dean candidates speak, be especially present and give your thoughts and opinions about the candidates to help the Dean Search Committee give their recommendation. The forum is in DFA 2.204 at 5 PM.
Few, Some, Several, Many, and More... Artist Talk - The artists of the current show at the Creative Research Lab will talk about their thoughts on their work and the idea behind the show. The talk starts at 7 PM inside the CRL (Creative Research Lab).
Wednesday, November 07
Art History Grad School Workshop - "Sponsored by Undergraduate Art History Association in conjunction with Fine Arts Careers Services. Learn about potential career options and hear in-depth information about graduate school in Art History from Dr. Joan Holladay." And there will be food! Be sure to be at DFA 2.204 by 5 PM.
Muslim Students Association Fast-a-thon - Fast from 5:30 AM to 5:30 PM for a great cause! MSA is trying to raise money for the Capital Area Food Bank as a part of a nationwide campaign alongside Muslim Students Associations. To pledge and learn more, please visit the website.
Money for Study Abroad Meeting - This meeting will focus on how you can get funding for study abroad. There will be information about scholarships and financial aid that are available for those who are interested. And there will be free pizza! The meeting is at Parlin Hall, Room 1 from 12 PM to 1 PM.
Thursday, November 08
Trombone Choir - This trombone concert will feature songs like "Ava Maria," "Os Justi," and "Fanfare for the Common Man." This event is also free to students and will begin at 8 PM in the Bates Recital Hall.
Music Recitals - There will be several recitals throughout the day at the Music School. Here are links that will give you more information if you are interested in attending; admission is free. Here, here, here, and here.
Friday, November 09
Elephant's Graveyard Opening Night - "Elephant's Graveyard is the true tale of the tragic collision of a struggling circus and a tiny town in Tennessee. Set in September of 1916, the play combines historical fact and legend, exposing the deep-seated American craving for spectacle, violence and revenge." The show starts at 8 PM in the WIN building. Tickets are $16/$13/$10 and are available at or at the door. There will also be a reception event right after the play at 9:30 PM.
Choral Arts Society - This concert is a part of the Center for Sacred Music’s “Choir Organ Series.” Tickets are $17 for the general public and $10 for students. There will also be a live webcast; find out more about it here. The concert is at 8 PM in the Bates Recital Hall.
Guest Artist Recital: Leone Buyse, flute, with Martin Amlin, piano - The guest artist recital features very prestigious musicians, and it is free to the public! To learn more about each musician, check out the website. It will be at 8 PM in the Jessen Auditorium.
This is it for now, ya'll. Hope your week is off to a fantastic start!
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